A 3-webinar series on faster delivery of ready-to-use data
This series is a deep dive into Data Vault automation best practices. Attend all three to fully
understand how to make automation work for your company, from data ingestion to
Webinar 1:
Boost ROI of data infrastructure with automation
Thursday 19 January 2023, 14:00 CET
Generating return from a modern data infrastructure is tough. First, creating a central repository for easy data access requires much upfront, traditionally manual work to set up data ingestion, mapping, metadata management, etc. Changes in sources, tech stack and taxonomies require more work. Or someone new comes on board and proposes building an entirely new model to answer the same business question. Typically, all this pushes the data team to take shortcuts to regain lost time, creating technical debt. In this webinar, we’ll explain how automation done right, following Data Vault 2.0 standards, will not only cut manual work but solve problems of agility, uncertainty and output quality, to ultimately provide the return you expect. Learn about what can go wrong — and how to get it right.
- Common pitfalls in data management.
- How the problems were solved in the past: what worked and what didn’t.
- How Data Vault methodology combined with automation brings new solutions …
- … And how this will save you time, and money.

Michael Olschimke
Michael Olschimke is the co-founder and one of the Chief Executive Officers (CEO) of Scalefree, a leading IT consultancy firm in data warehousing, business intelligence and big data. He co-authored the book “Building a scalable data warehouse with Data Vault 2.0.”

Dirk Vermeiren
Dirk Vermeiren ist CTO bei VaultSpeed. Seine lebenslange Erfahrung im Datenmanagement erstreckt sich über 25 Jahre. Er nutzte Data Vault als treibende Methodik für den Aufbau großer data warehouses. Auf diesem Weg war er eine der treibenden Kräfte hinter einem Data Vault-Automatisierungs-Framework, das sich nach und nach zu dem Produkt entwickelte: VaultSpeed.
Webinar 2:
Why Data Vault 2.0 is the best data model for automation
Thursday 23 February 2023, 14:00 CET
Many data teams worry that automation won’t work on their specific data and technology stack. They’ve learned the hard way that automation doesn’t always stand up to the complexity of different source data models, taxonomies and tech stack components. Join this webinar to understand how Data Vault 2.0 is designed to focus on models and logic, not complex code, so that it’s rapidly becoming the DWH standard. We’ll explain how Data Vault has taken the best of the more traditional modeling approaches, such as Inmon or Kimball, to provide the level of abstraction, quality and agility that automation requires. You’ll learn how the Data Vault model and its methodology and architecture leverage automation. And how we use integration templates based on Data Vault standards to pave the way to fully automated data loading. This webinar takes you from theory to practice.
- The pros and cons of different data modeling techniques.
- The prerequisites for automation.
- Why Data Vault works best.
- How to create abstractions in data warehousing.
- Demo: how it’s applied in VaultSpeed.

Michael Olschimke
Michael Olschimke is the co-founder and one of the Chief Executive Officers (CEO) of Scalefree, a leading IT consultancy firm in data warehousing, business intelligence and big data. He co-authored the book “Building a scalable data warehouse with Data Vault 2.0.”

Jonas De Keuster
Jonas De Keuster is VP Product Marketing at VaultSpeed. He had close to 10 years of experience as a DWH consultant in various industries like banking, insurance, healthcare, and HR services, before joining the company. This background allows him to help understand current customer needs and engage in conversations with members of the data industry.
Webinar 3:
Automating business logic
Thursday 23 March, 14:00 CET
In this webinar, you’ll learn that Data Vault automation is not restricted to loading data but can also be applied to the presentation layer.
There’s always some repeatable business logic – think of calculations such as currency conversion, lifetime value (LTV) or net-present-value (NPV) – to feed different reports, even if all of them contain different information.
We’ll explain how you can create custom business templates and add additional layers in the information marts, to apply calculations repeatedly and even interdependently, thereby extending the scope of Data Vault automation from integration to presentation. This webinar focuses on practical solutions.
- How to get data out of a Data Vault.
- What’s a PIT what’s a bridge.
- What’s meant by virtualization.
- How to identify low-hanging fruits, i.e. the repeatable business logic in your solution.
- How to automate those business rules using VaultSpeed.

Michael Olschimke
Michael Olschimke is the co-founder and one of the Chief Executive Officers (CEO) of Scalefree, a leading IT consultancy firm in data warehousing, business intelligence and big data. He co-authored the book “Building a scalable data warehouse with Data Vault 2.0.”

Jonas De Keuster
Jonas De Keuster is VP Product Marketing at VaultSpeed. He had close to 10 years of experience as a DWH consultant in various industries like banking, insurance, healthcare, and HR services, before joining the company. This background allows him to help understand current customer needs and engage in conversations with members of the data industry.