Michael Olschimke
Co-Founder & CEO of Scalefree
Michael Olschimke is the Co-Founder and CEO of ScalefreeScalefree ist ein führendes Datenberatungsunternehmen, das Unternehmen dabei unterstützt, das volle Potenzial ihrer Daten auszuschöpfen. Scalefree ist spezialisiert auf den Aufbau robuster Datenplattformen, die Rationalisierung von Datenpipelines und die Implementierung intelligenter Automatisierungslösungen für große Unternehmen.
Michael holds a Master of Science in Information Systems from Santa Clara University in Silicon Valley, California.
Michael Olschimke’s Career
Michael has more than 20 years of experience in Information Technology. During the last eight years he has specialized in Business Intelligence topics such as OLAP, Dimensional Modelling, and Data Mining. Before founding Scalefree in 2016, he has consulted for a number of clients in the automotive, insurance, banking, and non-profit fields. His work includes research on massively parallel processing (MPP) systems for building artificial intelligence (AI) systems for the analysis of unstructured data. Michael is one of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and co-founder of Scalefree where he is responsible for the business direction of the company.
Under his and Christof Wenzeritt‘s leadership, Scalefree is passionate about helping organizations transform their data into actionable insights and achieve sustainable growth. Ihr Expertenteam kombiniert fundiertes technisches Wissen mit strategischem Denken, um maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu liefern, die den individuellen Bedürfnissen ihrer Kunden entsprechen.