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To all those that have been a part of the Scalefree journey up until this point,

We’d first and foremost like to thank you for all the contributions you have made in helping us build Scalefree into the firm it is today. All of your contributions and business have allowed us to create a success story beyond what was first imagined and for that we offer our gratitude.

That said, a recent development here at Scalefree has presented the company with the opportunity to offer unprecedented, on-site access to the man that helped make all of this possible, the inventor of Data Vault 2.0, Dan Linstedt.

Though before diving into the unique opportunity that presents you, a little about how we got here.

It began with a simple partnering of Dan Linstedt and myself back in March of 2016 when we officially founded what would become Scalefree. Now, forty two months later, we have found ourselves adding success after success to our story.

A few of those being:

  • The hiring of more than twenty employees all working under the Scalefree name.
  • The successful implementation of our services within 400 clients’ organizations across all of Europe.
  • The creation of active projects spread across the whole of Europe ranging from Norway, Denmark, Germany, as well as Austria within a variety of industries such as global banking, insurance providers, governmental bodies, as well as the steel industry.
  • The organization of Europe’s first World Wide Data Vault Consortium following on the heels of six successful conferences held within the US.
  • As well as, of course, years of continuous growth and profits beginning from that first day of operations.

From the very start, Scalefree has been fortunate enough to experience strong growth within revenue, such as the one witnessed last year with nearly 40% alone, and we expect that trend in growth to continue within 2019 as well. All of which, will only help us continue our path to success.

Of that success, we can’t speak of it without mentioning the strong foundation on which it was built upon, that being the strong partnership established with Data Vault 2.0’s inventor, Dan Linstedt.
Dan has been and continues to be a strong mentor to all of our management team, as well as every employee within Scalefree.

Without his persistence, desire to explore as well as experiment, his commitment to producing only the best, and willingness to take risks for the betterment of the industry as a whole, we would not be where we are today.

That said Dan has recently found himself facing some personal tax complications. Though, as Dan has been there to support the growth of Scalefree, we, as a company, are committed to being there as he navigates this new challenge within his life.
To assist in overcoming this obstacle, we have created multiple new operations including tax counseling as well as allocation of funds to assist in this challenge.

Though in this challenge, we have recognized a unique opportunity in which all of us, including yourselves, will stand to take advantage of as we work together to help him get back to his real calling of researching data warehousing, experimenting with new training formats, and continuing to develop the DVA community.

So what does that mean?

Well, in short, we have booked Dan Linstedt.
Which leads me to the unique opportunity this presents you and your company.

As it stands, I currently have the inventor of Data Vault simply hanging around our office offering all of us valuable advice concerning Data Vault, data analytics, Big Data, and plenty of the trade secrets he’s acquired over the years. And while we certainly appreciate the valuable source of knowledge we’ve gained in having him around, we’d like to extend his ability to help towards all of our partners, clients, as well as friends.

So, if you have ever found yourself wanting to directly tap the collective knowledge of the inventor on none other than Data Vault himself, whether for on-site trainings, reviews, or simply to host Q&As, now you can do just that.

Though, like all amazing things in life, this opportunity will not simply wait around forever. Talk around the water cooler has it that since Dan has gotten his foray into getting a better handle on taxes almost squared away, he might not be hanging around the office as much as he steps back into his comfort zone of pushing the boundaries of Data Vault.

Needless to say, if you’d like to take advantage of this unique opportunity, you better act quickly.
So, if you’d like to book the inventor of Data Vault to help your company, send Jürgen a message at [email protected] so that he can begin the process.

Thank you kindly for your time,

Data Vault 2.0's Inventor Offers Unprecedented On-Site Access

Michael Olschimke

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For Data Vault training and on-site training inquiries, please contact [email protected] or register at

To support the creation of Visual Data Vault drawings in Microsoft Visio, a stencil is implemented that can be used to draw Data Vault models. The stencil is available at


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