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Ever questioned why numerous companies are gravitating towards agile management, particularly in project execution?

Curious about the essence of agile project management?

Join us for our upcoming monthly expert session, ‘Insight Agile Projects’ where we’ll unravel these compelling questions.

Our goal is to provide you with a profound understanding of agile project management and its strategic integration into your daily professional and corporate endeavors.

Become part of an insightful discussion on the initial challenges of adopting agile methodologies and its daily operational dynamics. Acquire pragmatic advice and valuable perspectives to elevate your project management proficiency.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity! 

Register now for ‘Insight Agile Projects’ and remain at the forefront of the dynamic business landscape!

Kick-off webinar

Typical mistakes in agile approaches

Watch the kick-off webinar for the regular monthly session.

Watch recording


Insight Agile Projects is the new regular project management webinar session by Scalefree. Every 2nd Thursday of the month, our project management experts will talk about how to manage your Data Warehousing in an agile manner. 

Attendees can ask questions in advance or during the sessions. These will be addressed as well as prepared topics like requirements analysis, effort estimation process, Stakeholder and people management and how all this fits into the Data Vault 2.0 methodology. 

Send your questions upfront

Question form

Regular expert session

Insight Agile Projects

Lennart Busche

Insight Agile Projects

Lorenz Kindling

Let our agile project management experts Lennart Busche and Lorenz Kindling guide you through the diverse possibilities of Data Warehousing, Scrum and other agile approaches. 

They will show you tips, tricks and insights on how to optimize your project.

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