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WhereScape Testdrive

WhereScape Test Drive

Dortmund (Germany)

Tuesday, March 24th 2020

+++ Update 03/06/2020: Unfortunately this Event is cancelled due to the current Covid-19 Situation. We are working on alternative dates. +++

The WhereScape Test Drive is your opportunity to try out WhereScape Data Automation software for yourself on your own laptop. You will take your place in an Agile data team and attempt to solve real-world scenarios armed with your creative problem-solving ability and Data Automation technology.


You will learn:

  • How to automate the design, build and management of your data warehouse,
    allowing you work faster with less resource
  • How Data Automation allows you build, change and operate your data warehouse by
    dragging-and-dropping from source to target.
  • How WhereScape creates the mappings, transformations and ELT code for the
    underlying platform in native code, and documents the whole process.

What do you need to take with you?

  • Please bring your own Laptop.


09:30 – 10:00 – Registration
10:00 – 10:15 – Welcome & Opening (Scalefree)
10:15 – 11:00 – Marc Finger (Scalefree) – “Data Vault 2.0 & DWH Automation with WhereScape – A great team for your company data”
11:00 – 11:30 – Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30 –  Thomas Heuer (WhereScape)
12:30 – 13:30 – Lunch break
13:30 – 14:30 – WhereScape  Test Drive – Interactive Session I
14:30 – 15:00 – Coffee break
15:00 – 16:00 – WhereScape  Test Drive – Interactive Session II
16:00 – 17:00 – Open discussion – Q&A (WhereScape/Scalefree)


Scalefree International GmbH
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +49 (511) 879 89342


Mercure Hotel Dortmund Centrum
Olpe 2
44135 Dortmund


Marc Finger


In partnership with